Shrouding the Heavens is a groundbreaking Chinese fantasy animation by Tencent Penguin Pictures and Chengdu Xingchen Original Force, made entirely with Unreal Engine 5. The story follows Ye Fan, a young man who accidentally enters the mystical Eastern Wasteland with his friend Pang Bo. Despite his ordinary abilities, Ye Fan overcomes immense challenges to become a legendary master, learning profound lessons on growth, humanity, and justice. The anime's visual beauty combines color, light, and animation in stunning detail. It even collaborated with traditional Chinese silversmiths to create real-life accessories inspired by Ji Ziyue’s jewelry. Since its launch, Shrouding the Heavens has seen remarkable popularity with over 23,000 views within two hours on Tencent Video, 200,000 live comments, and a reach of 1.5 million viewers.
